3Unable to load tree structure, the format is wrong.6Unable to load tree structure, the version is unknown.9Unable to load tree structure, not enough data available.6Stream data corrupt. A node's anchor chunk is missing.?Stream data corrupt. Unexpected data after node's end position.Clipboard operation failed.SCannot set initial user data because there is not enough user data space allocated.9Can't clear data while async data transfer is in progressText scrap.txt*Internal error: %s.%s needs implementation=%s is not a valid owner for %s. Owner must be derived from %s%s.ClipboardFormat is read-only"Failed to get interface to DesktopInvalid filename: %s&{992CFFA0-F557-101A-88EC-00DD010CCC48}&{D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}